Monday 14 January 2013

Brian Jones' harassment by the London drug squad took a new slant when, following a raid by Sgt Norman Pilcher and his mob - he took the balcony of his Courtfield Road flat and held an impromptu press conference on June 28th 1967

Saturday 27 October 2012

I was led to believe this is the only known picture of Nicky Kramer, one of the Redlands' party attendees, but another has surfaced from the day of the bust. (c) Michael Cooper


Simon Wells

Thursday 15 December 2011

David Schneiderman "The Acid King"

                                                       (Photo supplied and copyright Ed Ochs)

One of the most enigmatic figures in rock folklore, David Schneiderman, the so called "Acid King" pictured here shortly after the Redlands' bust- his ubiquitous attaché case close to hand.

Just hours before the Redlands' raid, Keith pictured in a huddle with the Acid King - David Schneiderman